Lighting as a Service (LaaS)
The Gillard Group is the first product independent lighting design company and one of the first in the world to launch Lighting as a Service (2015). We signed on our first long term client 2016. The global market for LaaS is expected to reach $4.74 billion by 2025 or total $5.8B 2016-2025 according to different research organisations.(1)
We also built a ground-breaking system to manage installed LED under a NET positive LaaS outcome. The MinMin Light System is Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud-based. The system turns your light portfolio into managed assets and generates, for example, a forward replacement schedule, cash flow projections and benefits realisation analysis.
What is Lighting as a Service?
LaaS is management of a light portfolio by a third-party in exchange for an annuity fee (OPEX). Our LaaS offer includes award winning lighting design led by one of the world’s leading architectural lighting designers, wholesale product pricing, economies of purchasing scale, asset management, product maintenance, warranty management, a capital roll over program and expert support services and advice.
Why is LaaS growing?
Globally, conventional lamps are being banned or phased out. LED is the future of artificial illumination – conversion is inevitable. (2) LED is a totally different lamp type. LED is complex, low-energy, digital-friendly and requires management to optimise ROI and maintain compliance. Smart LED luminaries heralds a paradigm shift in lighting and will underpin the Internet of Things. Soon, interconnected smart LED will be a dominant gateway connecting physical spaces with digital services, especially the Internet.
Consumers are ill prepared for the issues and opportunities arising from the rapid uptake of LED and complexities arising from associated new light-based technologies and services. A joint Government initiative also recently reported on “the problem” and found systemic consumer ignorance, variable quality product, bad market behaviour, false and misleading information and limited consumer protection. (3)
Smart owners of large light portfolios will get wise and seek certainty with trusted partners, like us.
Why Gillard Group LaaS?
We are product independent – you are not locked in with a supplier or their proprietary solutions. We are a global LaaS leader. Our lighting designs are not product or sales-commission led. We do not take commissions, swap-products, over-light, over-specify, use obsolete or poor quality product, leverage inexperienced designers, or falsify data.
Our LaaS deals with ”the problem”, maximises energy savings, reduces volumes of luminaries and positions the client to make informed decisions about their lighting assets and relevant new light-based technologies and services into the future. Moreover, we are working with clients, accountants and technologists to develop our MinMin Light System to deliver even greater value.
MinMin is so advanced it qualified for generous Federal Government research and development support. Before “the problem” gets you, engage us for independent advice and lighting as a service.
Let us light the way – contact us.
Jenni Gillard CEO
1. Lighting as a Service, 2016-2025 (or, LaaS Market Insights, 2017-2025)
2. “conventional lamp segment will shrink quickly” (Boston Consulting Group) Transforming Lighting Industry, November 2015. Note India, Japan, China and Europe have aggressive ban/phase strategies and large lighting companies are no longer investing in conventional lamp technology. Also visit: to witness India’s all-LED by end 2019 strategy.
3. The Department of Environment and Energy, Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, Lighting, November 2016 (A joint initiative of Australian, State and Territory and New Zealand Governments)