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Gillard Group

The Gillard Group comprises Jenni Gillard Architectural Lighting Designers (JGALD) established September 2005 and Aglow established January 2008. JGALD is a multi-award winning lighting design studio using art and science to deliver great day/night lighting solutions. Aglow offers lighting as a service using business cases and technology to deliver sustained value.

Gillard Group’s logo reflects a love for Aboriginal dot art and the light and colours of outback Australia. The logo stands for infinite sustainability and economy. The Gillard Group’s MinMin Light System draws its name from the Min Min lights phenomenon described in Queensland Aboriginal folklore.

The Gillard Group is headquartered in Brisbane. We also run a virtual office and can mobilise our talented team from anywhere. Pictured are some of us at a lighting awards dinner November 2015. The Gillard Group values being product neutral, takes no commissions and has no incentive to over-light. Dead stars shine because their light is trapped in time, unleash yours, contact us.